Steven Cole is currently teaching through the book of James on Pilgrim Radio. We located the church easily, snuck in just a few minutes late and felt right at home with fellow believers we had never met before.
Pastor Cole was teaching through the book of 2 Peter. His message was entitled, "Mockers and the Coming Judgment" with 2 Peter 3:1-7 as his text.
His main point:
"In spite of mockers who scoff at the prospect of Christ’s coming, God’s Word promises that He will come in judgment of the whole world."
1. When mockers attack the faith, God’s Word is our sure foundation (3:1-2).
2. When mockers scoff at the prospect of Christ’s coming, it is because they willfully ignore that God created the universe and judged the wicked in the flood by His word (3:3-6).
3. When mockers scoff at the promise of Christ’s coming, it is because they willfully ignore God’s word about the future judgment (3:7).
He offered two applications based on these verses for each of us to consider:
A. To move away from the truth that God created the world by His word of power is to move toward skepticism and licentious living.
B. To move away from the truth that Christ is coming again to judge the world is to move toward skepticism and licentious living.
He concluded with,
"Our tolerant culture that doesn’t want to make any moral judgments has swayed many Christians to minimize the biblical truth of God’s judgment. Some deny the eternality of hell. Others believe that God will ultimately save everyone. If you move in that direction, you move toward skepticism of God’s Word and, eventually, toward moral relativism. If you are a Christian—a follower of Jesus—the bottom line has to be, “What does God’s Word say?” It clearly says that God created the world by His word, judged the world at the flood by His word, and will judge the ungodly when Christ returns by His word. Thus we must stand firm on these truths and out of love warn everyone to flee the wrath to come."
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