The Reason for this New Blog

This new blog is a combination of great ideas I have gleaned from others and a few insights of my own. My main purpose will be to chronicle the continued learning I receive through sermons, books, and conferences. My goal is to have regular posts in the following categories:

"What I learned from my Pastor this week." (thanks, Rachel!)

"What I learned from the books I have read."

"What I am learning as a homeschool mom."

I welcome your input in the comments section in each of these categories. So pull up a chair, and join my adventure in a lifetime of learning.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What I learned from my Pastor ~ Feb. 28

The title for this sermon from Revelation 8:1-5 was Opus to the Final Judgment. Pastor Jack noted that this chapter is a prelude to the final judgment that is coming when God will answer His children's prayer for vindication.

Hearing about the wrath of God is often difficult, but we were reminded that worship and judgment are inter-connected and that while God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ez. 33:11), His love demands justice. Mercy and judgment are not two contrasting things. They are both embodied in the character of Christ.

Pastor Jack's closing action points were very powerful. They were:

1. Listen and Repent
2. Smell the sweet aroma of the prayers of the saints and place deep hurts before God
3. Feel the Heat (warn others)

He challenged me that the real test if I believe this prophecyis true, then what am I doing to warn others to flee the wrath to come. Being complacent like this is no less than criminal behavior.

How wonderful it is that mercy, justice, and grace met perfectly at the cross. He prayed that the Holy Spirit would stir, shake and move us. Amen?.

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