The Reason for this New Blog

This new blog is a combination of great ideas I have gleaned from others and a few insights of my own. My main purpose will be to chronicle the continued learning I receive through sermons, books, and conferences. My goal is to have regular posts in the following categories:

"What I learned from my Pastor this week." (thanks, Rachel!)

"What I learned from the books I have read."

"What I am learning as a homeschool mom."

I welcome your input in the comments section in each of these categories. So pull up a chair, and join my adventure in a lifetime of learning.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Great Aim

A week ago John Piper spoke at Summit VI, this year's annual event put on by the Christian Alliance for Orphans. His message was from Hebrews 11:29-38 and titled: "What Does It Mean to Live by Faith in the Service of the Fatherless?" (read the manuscript) or you can download the audio or video.

A summary point was very powerful for me and I have quoted it below. The change I made was to take out the words "adoption and orphan care" and leave a blank line. The reason? Because so many things can fit into this statement. Marriage, raising children, being a Christian, homeschooling, homemaking, etc.

I have printed it and hung it on my bathroom mirror as a reminder for the future.

"The great challenge of _____________ is to cultivate a death-defying passion for God above all things. A faith that rests in Him whether living or dying, whether comfortable or miserable, whether successful in ___________ or not. Our aim is to cultivate and spread the unshakable confidence that God is better than what life can give us and what death can take from us."